Try the political quiz

215 Replies


Imagine if a constitutional monarch could use their ceremonial influence to spotlight mental health, how might this shape public perception?

 @9KF24VW from California answered…3mos3MO

It might make public opinion of them more postive.

 @9KHTYKWAmerican Solidarity from Nebraska agreed…3mos3MO

Their Influence on the common folk will grow, and in tandem so will their power, but if their status is ceremonial then that does not guarantee the Politicians will do anything. The monarch will have to use their own wealth to open a mental institution for research or whatever. This would force the hand of parliament for if the politicians did nothing and didn't open a research facility themselves, it would be considered a political failure. Showing the people that the politicians of the bureaucracy care not for them, but instead with power and greed. This causes the king's power and influence to increase over nation.

 @9KFF8ZK from Connecticut agreed…3mos3MO

it gives the "im one of the people" argument. alows for citizen enagement within the political monarchy

 @9KFF6DK from Texas agreed…3mos3MO

The more we increase exposure and conversations about mental, the more likely we are to decrease mental health stigma and increase treatment seeking.

 @9KF2KS8 from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

People will realize that mental health is an attack of someone fighting their own thoughts and mind. It is not a battle that is physically seen and it is worse than typical abuse.

 @EnderKilgannon  from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

I know the president can veto and sign and has some power, but I do see them more as an influencer than a law maker. The vice president is used in this role, and spotlights things that are happening, but they play into politics, where a monarch has no reason to do so.

 @9KF32WC from California answered…3mos3MO


If a family member disagreed with your respect for a ceremonial monarch, how would you explain your viewpoint?

 @9LFJGDYGreen from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

"It works well for Britain, look at them. They aren't nearly as divided as us and we're supposed to be called the UNITED states. Not looking so good for us."

 @9LDSG4B from Texas answered…2mos2MO

constitutional monarchies can reduce the stakes of politics, helping to sustain constitutional democracy against challengers, and integrating the nation.

 @9LDS8C7 from Iowa answered…2mos2MO


How would your daily life change if a monarch was a prominent figure representing your country's values and traditions?

 @9L2QSDL from California answered…3mos3MO

I think it would change a lot because there is someone representing our counry values, traditions, concers, and norms within our area.

 @9L2NSSSRepublican from California answered…3mos3MO

I believe there would be a drastic change, living under one ruler that makes all of our decisions as a country would probably not be in best interest for the people. I think the system we have now, although it isn't perfect, is the right system to have.

 @9L2NKT3 from California answered…3mos3MO

It would change because I would have less freedom and the rules and regulations would be more olden days.


Do you believe a constitutional monarchy is adaptable enough to survive the social and political changes of the 21st century?


No, I believe in the 21st century people would not tolerate a Constitutional Monarchy that has not been long standing. People have gotten used to having control of their lives, or the idea of having control of their own lives. They have more faith in a collective of fellow citizens instead of a figurehead.


There should be no one single man or woman having full control over the country. At this day of age, the people's voices matter the most.

 @9H8YC65 from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

no, monarchys are outdated and bound to make people unhappy. people should get to choose who their leader is


I think it is enough to survive the social and political changes of the 21st century because it follows process to make changes and has rules and laws.


Can a figurehead monarch effectively unify a nation in your opinion?

 @9HN2NDC from Connecticut answered…6mos6MO

No, having only one primary figurehead without any sort of congress will leave the majority of people unrepresented in government.

 @9HN2JM4 from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

No; the leaders of the U.S have to remain in the people's power, otherwise we get closer to a dictatorship with each election.

 @9HN2TTD from Minnesota answered…6mos6MO

No, they cannot because there will be too much power and with much power comes responsibility.


How do you think a constitution should limit a monarch's power?

 @9HN2HPJ from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

It should make their power limited so citizens still have rights and they can not override those rights.

 @9HN2DBD from South Dakota answered…6mos6MO

dont give all the power to them so then they dont think they can do what ever they want.


How would you feel if your country suddenly transitioned to a constitutional monarchy?

 @9HGMZCZ from Wisconsin commented…6mos6MO

I would feel extremely ripped of my rights and I would be confused, I would feel like it would be a hard adjustment.


How could the presence of a monarchy impact the political atmosphere of a country?

 @9HN27QY from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

It would impact it in such a way where the political atmosphere would surely change to be more atmospherical and overall just Monarchal.


What do you think about using taxpayers' money to support a royal family's ceremonial duties?

 @9HMZ2LXRepublican from New York answered…6mos6MO

The only time taxpayers money should be used for a ceremony is for fallen soldiers

 @9HMZ2J5 from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

i think its stupid because the rich just keep getting richer but pay the same tax as middle class and its dumb because middle class has no oppurtunity because theier just feeding money into the rich its a never ending loop


Is it fair for taxpayers to financially support a royal family in a constitutional monarchy?

 @9HCRDZKProgressive from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Absolutely not. Tax payers should not have to support the royal family's extravagant life style.

 @9HCRCPL from Illinois answered…6mos6MO


Would the idea of a constitutional monarchy change your sense of civic responsibility?

 @9HMZYKJ from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

 @9HMZSRT from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

I sincerely don't like the idea of a constitutional monarchy, and I doubt it would change my idea of civic responsibility.


Imagine if your school principal's role was purely symbolic—what changes in school dynamics would you expect?

 @9JQ78TD from Louisiana answered…4mos4MO

A lot of students would be more free to speak their minds and not fear retaliation

 @9JQ6ZLDRepublican from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

I think the teachers would end up having more power in the formation of educational policies and discipline, which may or may not be a good thing. On one hand, you’d have teachers with outdated beliefs allowed to make the call on disciplinary matters which could be a disaster and an instant news headline. On the other hand, the educational reform could swing in a positive way.


Do you think having a monarchy is a relevant and effective form of government in today's society?

 @9HDWK66 from Utah answered…6mos6MO

I think it depends on the country and the issues that they faces at any given point in time.



Is it fair for someone to be born into a position of national significance?

 @9HN2MTN from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I do not think it is fair, but it is inveitable, because kids from rich families and famous families already have great recognization wheter they like it or not.


If a monarchy were to be introduced in your country today, what immediate changes or benefits would you anticipate?


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