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24 Replies

 @9GTHGDTPeace and Freedom from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

He's racist, sexist, manipulated thousands of people, his skin tone is orange, he had documents in his possession that was illegal for him to have, he was impeached, he is a criminal, building a wall will not help, he got ideas for his campaign from a conspiracy theorist, and he undid helpful things Obama put into place.

 @9GW7WJWDemocrat from West Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

A great reason that is shouldn't be president again is because he is up against 13 federal cases of treason against the country from his time as president.

 @9GT472M from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Trump is both racist and misogynistic. He has made 'jokes' about raping women. He also was accused of rape by women.

 @9GSZCTHRepublican from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

The allegations were proven as false as there was no evidence to solidly convict. Biden also has charges.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

All allegations were not proven false, and he has even admitted to some. Also, Biden should be tried too idc about him either, they both suck

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

E. Jean Caroll says otherwise, and most current charges are still up in the air.

 @9LBPYHB from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

 @9GTDCZH  from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

He is a good businessman, and a funny person. He may have helped our economy some, but wouldn't we rather move forward? I'd say we should inaugurate a younger person, maybe even a woman. We could use the different perspective and something new. We need to move towards a younger group of voters and a younger generation being included in our government.

 @VicunaBennyIndependent from California commented…7mos7MO

Do you think the Israeli war would have happened if Trump was President?

 @2MFBMMQLibertarian from Kansas commented…4mos4MO

<p url2image_parsed="1">Yes. The Israeli war started when Israel occupied Palestine and forced people from their homes in favor of resettlement. Trump would certainly have mishandled the recent flare-up and probably would have made it worse, but he didn't start it.

 @9GT9SPXProgressive from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Everything good about Trumps economy was given to him by Obama, oil regulation is not a flex, and what kind of president doesn't believe in climate change? A slow or corrupt one. #NoShade

 @9GT3TQ2Republican from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

He made the US energy independent and virtually every demographic had record low unemployment. He also took no BS and put America first.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

lol he did none of that and was just incredibly bigoted and anti-working class, like every other president...

 @9GSZCTHRepublican from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

Has he said some very messed up things?..yes but sometimes putting away ideals like those is important for the country’s benefit. He does what is best for the country. That may not always appease people. He was not bigoted, he just focused on other pressing matters.

 @9GT2HYW from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

 @9GT4JZKRepublican from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I agree. He was a truthful president that did what he said he was going to do, and had the countries best interest in mind

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

He couldn't care less about this country, he only cares about himself and any power he can obtain.

 @9GSZCTHRepublican from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

That is not true, he did better the country. The economy was at a very good place with him in office as well as businesses themselves. He did care, and he provided leadership.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

I cannot express to you enough just how much the economy is not dependent on the president, nor are any economic statistics designed with the interests of the public in mind. What is good for business is not good for the rest of society.

Secondly, no, he provided terrible leadership and even citizens from other nations were actively mocking and protesting him.

 @9JXF8WR from Utah commented…4mos4MO

I wouldn't go that far as to say he is the BEST. He's a president with faults and strength and is both good and bad.

 @9GV99WM  from Kentucky agreed…7mos7MO

the reason why i think trump should is because he looks out for the people and he helps our country become good again.


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