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Haiti Healthcare System Near "Collapse"

 @SheepishGr4ssrootsGreen from North Carolina commented…3mos3MO

It's quite amusing how we find ourselves engaged in a distant war while a conflict is unfolding right in our vicinity, yet we seem to be turning a blind eye. Let's face the reality here: If all the nations of NATO were to unite and extend their collective efforts towards Haiti, they could likely resolve the situation there more swiftly than the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. Given that the gangs in Haiti are fragmented, we could systematically address the issue by sweeping through the country, segment by segment, and simultaneously provide employment opportunities to the local populace along the way.

 @NobleFerretDemocrat from Michigan disagreed…3mos3MO

The US has tried to help for decades just like we tried to help Afghanistan. It’s hard to beat all the corruption and violence.

 @BrightWaspGreenfrom New York agreed…3mos3MO

The complication is Haiti's anti-imperial identity will make aid from NATO be perceived as a European takeover by many, leading to pushback that could possibly lead to open rebellion.

Imo, Haiti is a lost cause. The only ones who can fix Haiti is Haiti itself. The most NATO should do is get people who want to escape the violence in Haiti out.