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5 Replies

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana disagreed…2wks2W

nobody is forcing you to get gay married. explain to me how two people of the same gender holding hands is "abominable"

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

nobody is forcing you to get gay married.

That's a fallacious straw man argument. You're attacking a position I never claimed to hold – that people are forcing me to get "gay married" – and proceeding to debunk that position, accomplishing exactly nothing but the further embarrassment of yourself and your position and the demonstration that you don't seem capable of having a logical debate on issues, due to emotional impulses and charges. You have addressed none of the information I presented about the constitutional and moral problems that I have with lega…  Read more

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana disagreed…2wks2W

how is hating gay people "common sense" as a lesbian myself I find your argument to be in rather bad faith

the bible is not a valid argument because it's a book written by some pretentious jackass thousands of years ago. The big bang theory as well as Charles Darwin's theory of evolution are a much better explanation for the creation and development of our universe. Calling me a "woke Pagan" isn't furthering or encouraging discussion. If God was real, and me being lesbian was such an "abomination" why hasn't your God struck me down yet

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

how is hating gay people "common sense" as a lesbian myself I find your argument to be in rather bad faith

Another Straw-Man Fallacy argument. I never said "hating gay people" was common-sense, I said that my constitutional and moral problems with gay "marriage" were "common-sense sentiments." If I truly hated homosexuals with a burning malice, I wouldn't be taking the time to explain the truth to you, because I wouldn't give a d-mn if you destroyed your life.

the bible is not a valid argument because it's a book written by some pretentiou…  Read more

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