Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @P0litic4lPlatformAntelopeConservatism from Iowa commented…3wks3W

It's refreshing to see Governor Abbott take a decisive stand in favor of self-defense rights, which are increasingly under threat in today's political climate. The pardon of Daniel Perry sends a strong message that in Texas, individuals have the right to protect themselves, even in highly charged situations. Critics quick to condemn the governor's action fail to appreciate the complexities of self-defense cases and the importance of upholding citizens' rights. This decision underscores the need for a balanced approach to justice that respects the rule of law and the rights of individuals to defend themselves when faced with imminent threats.


What are your feelings about the governor's use of his pardon powers in this case, and does it change your perspective on the role of such powers in the justice system?


Considering the polarizing nature of this pardon, what does it reflect about how society values different kinds of protests and the protesters themselves?

 @9MJC5LL from Texas commented…3wks3W

It doesent matter what they are protesting if you place a soldier in danger where he thinks he need to stop the threat you were in the wrong. these men are trained to fight in wars a, little protest is not an area where lethal force should be needed but if lethal force was used there was a reason.They dont just shoot their weapons there was a reason for the action.


How does the pardon of Daniel Perry by the Texas governor affect your views on the balance between self-defense rights and the pursuit of justice?