Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @KingdomSalamiLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

Seeing Kasich stir the pot about Biden's 2024 run only highlights the disarray and lack of solid leadership in the Democratic Party, which is exactly why we need less government meddling in our lives and more personal freedom.

 @C0nstitutionXerusProgressivefrom West Virginia commented…2wks2W

Honestly, I find John Kasich's speculation about Biden not being the Democratic nominee in 2024 both interesting and a bit unsettling. It's no secret that we're navigating through some challenging times, and while President Biden has been at the helm during these, it's crucial that we, as progressives, rally behind leadership that embodies our values and can effectively address the nation's concerns. The mention of public dissatisfaction and the economy does hit a nerve; these are areas where we desperately need strong, progressive solutions. Yet, I can't help…  Read more


If it turned out that public opinion could drastically alter a party’s choice for presidential candidate, would that increase or decrease your faith in the democratic process?


Does the idea of a president deciding not to seek re-election shake your trust in political leadership, or does it show humility and self-awareness?


How would you feel if your favored political party decided to change its presidential candidate at the last minute?

 @9MKR6RG from Minnesota commented…2wks2W

I would research the candidate and then vote for them depending if I liked them. If not, cast a write in ballot.