Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @R3pr3sntat1veFlamingoForwardfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

Do you think Joe actually knows what's going on?

He makes all the noises, but he hadn't seen the pictures he said he had, and the spokespeople are as weasley as they come.

It's actually like weekend at bernie's

 @ElectoralScarlettDemocrat from Texas commented…2wks2W

my guess is he heard about it and now thinks he saw it (like how reagan thought he liberated the concentration camps because he saw a movie about them). but he also just doesn't give a **** if its true or not

 @BrightElephantMountain from Texas commented…2wks2W

Another possibility - and of course I'm just wildly speculating here - is that he did see pictures, but those photos were fake. The White House might not want to admit that some Israelis have been deliberately fabricating (some, not all) evidence of atrocities.

 @LeftLeaningApplesAmerican Solidarity from Connecticut commented…2wks2W

I don't know if he's lying, misremembering, or conflating sensationalist media narratives with things he actually experienced, but the WH needs to get clear on this and then tell the Boss to knock it off

 @BoaAuroraGreen from Hawaii commented…2wks2W

He is lying. Biden is the US politician who is the biggest recipient of Israel lobby money. It shows.


Should the intent behind sharing a powerful, yet possibly untrue, story change how we react to it?


How does the sharing of unverified or false stories by leaders influence public perception of global events?


Do you believe public figures should be held accountable for the stories they share? Why or why not?


Would the accuracy of a story like this affect your feelings towards a political figure?


How does the reliability of a leader's statements impact your trust in their leadership?