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 @8TJ392Ydalla Maine risposto…3 anni3Y

Il Patriot Act è solo una delle tante pessime decisioni prese dal presidente Bush. Il governo federale ha il diritto e il dovere di controllare in maniera rigorosa la sicurezza dei cittadini americani, ma non sono tollerabili abusi o restrizioni realmente infondate.

 @N7VVPN dalla Illinois risposto…3 anni3Y

Yes, and I also have no problem with profiling. If someone acts or appears like they may be a threat to the safety of others then they should deal with the consequences.

 @LXRPLJ dalla Maryland risposto…4 anni4Y

 @LQPMZC dalla Pennsylvania risposto…3 anni3Y

 @LQBPKX dalla Texas risposto…3 anni3Y

Government surveillance should be allowed in times of war, but should not intrude on the privacy of the people.

 @G2V6N9 dalla Oregon risposto…4 anni4Y

Racial,Ethnic, profiling should be allowed when it involves the Security of the USA
and its citizens! Remove the TSA and Homeland Security and focus on beating and destroying those who would do harm to the USA and its citizens. Harsh and swift!
Send everyone who wants to destroy this Country or its citizens a free ride out....never to come back or be killed.


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