Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



What does it mean for a people to have sovereignty over a land, and how does that concept resonate with you?

 @9KHXLQS from California answered…3mos3MO

Palestinians are people. They are the native people of Palestine, not "Israel". Bombing, assassinating, torturing, and displacing said native people is textbook colonization. The idea of Zionism sounds great on paper, however in practice it is malicious in nature. Palestinians have been open to living in harmony with Jewish people, so anti-Semitism is not the issue as Israel wants people to believe.

The issue is that Israel has no intention of living in harmony with Palestinians, but to instead wipe them from existence and claim their land, their culture, and their history as their…  Read more

 @9KMMZHV from Ohio disagreed…3mos3MO

Isreal was home to Jewish nomadic tribes from antiquity. Palestine (philistina) was labeled and formed under the Roman empire as an affront to northern (Israel) and southern (Juda) jewish kingdoms as a means to control them.