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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9N2FJTH from Texas answered…5 days5D

Yes but only at the state or local level. More conversation must be had on the impact of such technology.

 @9MYY7PJ from Pennsylvania answered…6 days6D

Yes, but only safety standards to prevent accidents, and to hold companies accountable for accidents related to the underlying technology

 @9L4Z23B  from Pennsylvania answered…7 days7D

 @9MWX338 from South Carolina answered…1wk1W

 @9MSNM83 from Virginia answered…1wk1W

Yes, as much as they regulate human-driven cars (which is not really all that much)

 @9MRVDQD from Pennsylvania answered…1wk1W

Yes, because there should still be a person in the car, making sure it is safe.

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